In case you are interested, here is an update on our big move from Elmira, Ontario to Salmon Arm, British Columbia. You can read more about why we moved here.

On May 10, 2021 we packed up a 15-foot U-Haul truck for the second time. The first time was on April 10 when we moved ourselves and all our stuff into my parents' house while we waited for our new house to be completed.
We were thankful for that transition month. Our house was sold and our boxes were packed, so we were able to tie up some loose ends and enjoy some quality time with friends and family before we left.
I had my share of sleepless nights in the weeks preceding May 10. There were so many unknowns. What would the town of Salmon Arm really be like? We’d never been there before. What would our house look like in real life? Did we pick the right floors? We had never seen a physical sample. Would we make friends there? We didn’t know anyone. Would we regret this decision as soon as we left?
Let me tell you, it feels good to be on the other side of those questions now. Everything has been working out great so far. Looking back this life change almost seems even crazier than before we left. Praise God for looking out for us!

I can’t fully express how blessed I feel. Sometimes I wonder “is this my life or am I dreaming?”
Before you roll your eyes and exit this blog, I will say that life here is not perfect. You simply cannot have it all. We traded living close to family and friends (relationships I cherish deeply) for a new life of adventure in the mountains. Sometimes I feel guilty about that. I traded a planned-out life for a season of unknowns. We really have no idea how long we’ll live here. The big questions are “will we want to raise kids here?” and “would we even be able to afford a house in Southern Ontario again if we wanted to?”
BUT like I said, over all we feel extremely blessed and are having a great time.

The 6-day move went as smoothly as it could have. Kenton drove the U-Haul truck for the entire 40+ hours while Bri and I took turns driving the car and riding in the truck. We had good weather, our stuff didn’t shift too much in the truck and we didn’t have any issues with either vehicle. We enjoyed a nice day off of driving in Canmore, Alberta and went on a gorgeous hike. The last day, the day we drove from Canmore to Salmon Arm, was one of the most surreal days of my life. I was giddy with excitement looking around our home for the first time.

We were pleasantly surprised by a few things in the house. We had never viewed a model home in-person and the photos online were of a slightly different floor plan than ours. Plus, there were a few finishing details of the house that I had not thought to ask about. I was excited to find quiet-close cabinets, a lazy susan, built in garbage containers, a massive pantry (compared to my old one) and extra shelving in our master closet. We were able to acquire new couches quickly and true to my nature, I even got some second hand furniture. We’re still waiting for our landscaping to be done, and looking forward to a bit (a very small bit) of outdoor space.

We’ve spent the last month settling in and exploring our surroundings. It is so beautiful here! There are lots of trails and lakes to check out, as well as the shops and restaurants. We have several camping trips to nearby parks planned for the summer. Plus, we have flights booked to visit family and friends in Ontario. We also look forward to hosting some friends and family here. We can’t wait to show you around.
Everyone we've met has been very friendly. We’ve made friends with some of our neighbours, Kenton has joined the tennis club, and we have felt incredibly welcomed at a local church. These are all answered prayers.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been praying for us. We appreciate that very much and we have felt the effects of your prayers. God is so good and we have been so grateful for His provision and protection in our lives.
Thanks for following along!
Ps you can watch our moving video here.