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Staying Healthy Through The Holidays

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Faith, family, food and fun. All of these things are in abundance at this time of year. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing. It’s easy to overindulge again and again throughout December and end up feeling ill, catching a flu bug, or just feeling exhausted and bloated. Follow these tips to make the most of the Christmas season without compromising your health.

  1. Drink plenty of water. So many of the foods we consider “Holiday Traditions” are quite rich and high in sodium, which makes it important that we consume lots of water to keep our kidneys and digestive systems functionally well.

  2. Try to stick to your workout routine. You’ll feel so much better if you’re able to move and stay active throughout the holidays. However, sometimes travel and other factors make it hard to stick to your routine. If that’s the case, don’t let it stress you out. See the next point for ways you can stay active without actually working out. 

  3. Create opportunities to be active and get fresh air with your family. Go for a walk to look at the Christmas lights in town, go skating or play outside with the kids.

  4. Wash your hands. Wash them before and after every meal, after you use the washroom, after you blow your nose, after you pet the dog, or if you just haven’t washed them in a while. The best defense against illness is still washing your hands and with all the people and germs gathered together it’s easy to catch something if you're not careful. 

  5. Get enough sleep. We all know we feel better when we get enough sleep, but did you know that sufficient sleep helps keep your immune system running in good order and helps reduce inflammation? These things help you feel better and protect against disease in the long run. Getting enough enough sleep can also ward off that "empty pit" feeling that leads to endless snacking.

  6. Enjoy the specialty food without overindulging. Listen to your body's cues. It will tell you when it's satisfied. However, if you do overindulge don’t think you’ve blown it. Each meal is an opportunity to try again. Move on and try again to stay within the boundaries that make you feel comfortable. 

Remember to enjoy yourself and don’t let the stress of sticking to a strict diet or workout regime keep you from experiencing the wonder of the Christmas season. Listen to your body and eat in amounts that are satisfying but not overindulgent. Move your body in ways that feel good and are appropriate for your circumstances. Hopefully these tips can help you feel less stressed about the upcoming days of food, family and fun.


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